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Quinoa (how to cook)


Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah) has the highest nutritional profile and cooks the fastest of all grains. Fully gluten-free it’s an extremely high energy grain (actually a sees)  that has been grown and consumed for about 8,000 years on the high plains of the Andes Mountains in South America. Contains all eight amino acids to make it a complete protein. High in B Vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium and Vitamin E.

The Recipe



Prep time

5 min.

Cooking time

15 min.


  • quinoa 1 cup

  • water 1 1/2 cups

  • salt 1/2 tsp.



(see recipes with quinoa)

NOTE: Before cooking, quinoa must be rinsed to remove the toxic (but naturally occurring) bitter coating called saponin. Saponin, when removed from quinoa, produces a soapy solution in water.Quinoa is rinsed before it is packaged and sold, but it is best to rinse again at home before use. Place quinoa in a grain strainer and rinse thoroughly with water. Drain as much water as you can and add it to the cold water.If you don’t have time to wash it, you’ll need to use a 1/4 of cup of water more (1 and 3/4 c.  water instead of 1 and 1/2 cup ).

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Fill the saucepan with filtered water. Add the throughly drained quinoa to water. Bring the quinoa and water and salt to a boil in a medium saucepan and cover. If you use red or black quinoa you have to rinse it a couple of times in cold water, till water becomes clear. I like mixing them. You can cook them together – same cooking time.

Reduce to a simmer and cook for 15 -20 minutes.


Transfer to a bowl and fluff the cooked quinoa with a fork.

Set aside to completely cool before adding the other ingredients.(see recipes with quinoa)



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