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Flat Multi-Layered Carasau Bread (Focaccia di Pane Carasau)


Pane Carasau is a traditional Sardinian flat bread, unmistakable for its thin, crispy sheets. Because of its long storage life, the bread was used by sheepherders during the long periods they spent taking care of their herds. This recipe can make an elegant centerpiece from which everyone  can pick, the ideal antipasto to be served with a glass of Prosecco.

Recipe by Valeria and Matteo Zordan, Vicenza , Italy.

The Recipe

Prep time

20 min.

Cooking time

10 min.


  • Pane carasau 250 gr

  • Stracchino or Cream Cheese 400 gr

  • marjoram

  • extra-vergin olive oil

  • pepper

  • salt

  • top
  • parmesan cheese 20 gr

  • chopped tomatoes or peeled tomatoes fillets 100 gr


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Line a 10′ baking pan with  parchment paper. Spray or brush some olive oil on the paper and lay the first layer of carasau bread. Spread 2 tbs of olive oil on this layer, add salt and some marjoram leaves, add 4 tbs of water and spread some chunk of “stracchino” cheese* or cream cheese and black pepper. Repeat the same instructions for the other  3 layers.  Bake at 450 F.  for  8/10 min. Sprinkle the top with some shreds of parmesan cheese and chopped tomatoes before serving.

Enjoy with a glass of  Prosecco!

*about 100 gr. of cheese per layer

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