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Spaghetti with Burrata and Grilled Cherry Tomatoes – Spaghetti con burrata e pomodorini al forno


Matteo and Valeria has sent a delicious “spaghetti” recipe  made with burrata* (a soft mozzarella filled with cream) and grilled cherry tomatoes. The instructions are both in italian and in english.

*The name “burrata” means “buttered” in Italian.

Recipe by Valeria and Matteo Zordan, Vicenza , Italy.

The Recipe



Prep time

5 min.

Cooking time



  • Spaghetti 320 gr

  • Pomodorini ciliegia 320 gr

  • Burrata 320 gr

  • pine nuts 20 gr

  • basil 20 gr

  • extra-vergin olive oil

  • salt and pepper


foto 1 foto 2 foto 3


Wash the tomatoes, dry them up,cut in half lengthwise,  on a slightly oiled pan or parchment paper let them bake for about 30 min at 350 F (180 C).

Lavate i pomodorini, asciugateli, tagliateli a metà e infornateli su una placca (o carta forno) leggermente unta di olio a 180 gradi per 30 min.

foto 4 foto 5

Wash the basil leaves, dry them thoroughly, in the processor cup add the bail leaves ,the pine-nuts,80 gr of x-vergin olive oil l,a pinch of salt and some freshly ground pepper. Blend untill creamy . Cook the spaghetti in a large and tall pot filled with salty water, turn of the fire 2 minutes less than indicated on the pasta box. Drain the pasta and pour it into a large pan together with the tomatoes and the pesto cream. Mix well . Add the burrata and some more oil directly on the dishes.

Lavate le foglie di basilico e asciugatele bene, raccogliete nel bicchiere del frullatore il basilico, i pinoli, 80 gr di olio extra, un pizzico di sale e una macinata di pepe. Frullate fino ad ottenere una crema  fine. Cuocete gli spaghetti in abbondante acqua salata, scolate e versateli in una saltapasta dove avrete posto i pomodorini, mescolate bene e impiattate  aggiungendo a crudo la burrata e un filo di olio extra.

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