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Tagliatelle al Ragu' (Bolognese)


The right accompaniment for the Bolognese sauce are definitely fresh egg noodles (tagliatelle, pappardelle, lasagne) sprinkled generously with some freshly grated parmesan reggiano (which is produced not far from Bologna, in the Parma and Reggio Emilia Counties).photos coco zordan  A classic in the meat sauce realm: ragu’ alla Bolognese (Bolognese meat sauce): made with 3 different kinds of meat (beef,veal and pork), vegetable ‘soffritto’, white wine and tomato sauce. The essential ingredient for making lasagna Bolognese. Here’s the “Ragu’ “ recipe.

The Recipe


  • 1/2 lb. ragu’ sauce

  • opt. 1 cup plain tomato sauce

  • XV olive oil

  • parmigiano cheese grated

  • freshly ground black pepper


How to make the Ragu’ (Recipe)

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Note: my kids like a more “red” and less “meaty” sauce so I usually add some extra tomato sauce to the ragu’. That’s why the sauce looks a bit different.

In a large skillet put the sauce to warm up while boiling the water for cooking the noodles. Egg noodles usually cook in 3-5 minutes much faster than regular semolina pasta. Cook pasta a couple of minutes less than shown on the package for it will cook more when combined with the sauce in the skillet.

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Serve with XO olive oil (or some butter), a generous amount of freshly grated parmigiano, and ground black pepper.

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