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How to Make Tomato Sauce for Canning


I was really surprised  and pleased when I recently found out that some of my friends and neighbors still make tomato sauce!  I thought it was a lost culinary tradition!!  Well, a warm welcome to the “Salsa Fan” Club : )

There isn’t only one way to make a nice tomato sauce and it really depends on your family’s size, time and personal taste. My favorite methods are two: the “quick and fresh” sauce and the  traditional recipe for canning that of course  requires more time but allows you to have delicious sauce also in winter.  In summer, when tomatoes are still in season, you can make a quick sauce  to use immediately or within a week. However before the season ends you might wish to can those beautifully ripe tomatoes of  the Farmers’ Market to have them available for  the rest of the year. tomatoes from  MX Morningstar – jars Ball photos coco zordan

The Recipe


10/15 jars

Prep time


Cooking time



  • plum ripe tomatoes 20 lb.

  • basil 2-4 sprigs

  • tools
  • big tall pots

  • saucepans

  • 16 or 8 oz jars Ball 12-18

  • immersion blender or a food mill

  • oven gloves or jar lifter

  • canning funnel or regular funnel

  • canning scoop or regular ladle

  • kitchen towel


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wash the tomatoes well  cut them in half and remove the stem or any imperfections.


Chop them in big pieces and add to a big saucepan(s).

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Cover the pans with a lid and let them get to a boil. Remove lid and let the pots simmer uncovered for about 20  minutes or longer if the sauce looks too watery.

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When the sauce has dried up enough, turn the fire off and, using an immersion blender, puree the sauce until smooth.   Be careful: the sauce is hot!

or if you prefer using a food mill:

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with the help of a ladle pour the cooked tomatoes into the mill and grind till only seeds and skin will be left in the mill


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with the help of a ladle pour the sauce into a jar, add the basil leaves,

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seal tightly with a lid,

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and place the jar into the pot where you have previously placed a kitchen towel (it prevents the jars to break while boiling)

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when water starts to boil,  lower the gas and cover with a lid. Let simmer for about an hour. Turn the gas off and let the jars cool down before removing from the pot. It will take a few hours to cool down.


You’re done! store your jars in your pantry for many months and use them whenever you need.

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