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Mini Pizzas – Pizzette


Do you have some bread or pizza dough in your fridge that you made or from the grocery store? Even a small piece of dough  can make lots of mini pizzas. You can make them in advance and freeze; in this way you’ll have an irresistible and healthy snack for your children (and for adults) always available! Ideal for birthday parties, playdates or any children event the mini pizzas will make kids love you!photos coco zordan

The Recipe


20/30 pizzas

Prep time

20 min.

Cooking time



  • pizza dough

  • tomato sauce

  • mozzarella (whole milk Polly-O)

  • extra vergin olive oil

  • salt

  • dry oregano and/or basil



to make the doug from scratch in 5 minutes see my recipe


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on your kitchen counter spread some flour and start rolling out the dough till it gets to 1/8′

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With a round cutter, cut dough into 18-20 rounds; place rounds 1 inch apart on baking sheet. Reuse scraps to make more rounds

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Top each with pizza sauce, cheese, and your desired toppings. Add some origano or basil, salt, a drizzle of olive oil. Bake the mini pizzas for 8-10 minutes at 450 F*, or until cheese is melted. Serve immediately or freeze once cooled down.

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