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Sweet Pea, Bell Pepper Spinach & Barley Salad


If you’re like me and trying to clean up from the winter season, add barley to your cooking repertoire. Barley can reduce blood glucose  and cholesterol levels and blood pressure.This recipe for a “Sweet Pea, Bell Pepper Spinach & Barley Salad” is filled with fresh herbs, and a low-fat dressing. Serve with grilled chicken or shrimp on the side or as a main dish salad. Be sure to store leftovers in a glass food storage container. photos by coco zordan

Barley is highest in fiber of all the whole grains, with common varieties clocking in at about 17% fiber. But the goodness of whole grains comes from more than fiber. Whole grain barley is high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals essential to health, too. However, much of the barley eaten in the U.S. is pearled or pearl barley, which is missing some or all of its bran layer. However even the pearled barley preserves lots of the benefits…(read more)   

Trivia – “Barley Controls Blood Sugar Better” : Dutch researchers used a crossover study with 10 healthy men to compare the effects of cooked barley kernels and refined wheat bread on blood sugar control. The men ate one or the other of these grains at dinner, then were given a high glycemic index breakfast (50g of glucose) the next morning for breakfast. When they had eaten the barley dinner, the men had 30% better insulin sensitivity the next morning after breakfast.

The Recipe



Prep time

5 min.

Cooking time

15 to 45


  • hulled barley 2 cups

  • 4 qt water

  • frozen sweet peas 1 small box

  • red bell pepper chopped or in strips 1

  • baby spinach 3 cups

  • basil and/or italian parsley chopped 2 tbs

  • XVOO to taste

  • lemon juice 1 lemon

  • salt and pepper to taste


Rinse barley and drain.  In medium pot of boiling water, cook barley covered, for about 15  minutes or until tender. Hulled barley will cook in 30/45 minutes. Pearled barley in about 15.

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Remove from heat and drain, add the sweet baby peas and the baby spinach (they will “cook” in the hot barley) and keep it covered for at least 5 minutes.

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Add the bell pepper strips at last with lots of  fresh basil/parsley. Add 2tbs olive oil and lemon juice,   add salt and pepper to taste.

Store any leftover in a glass food container in the fridge for a few days. Cooked barley alone will last well for a week.





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