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Short Pasta with Sweet Peas and Tomato Sauce


I absolutely love this dish. My mother made this for us all the time. It’s a one dish meal because I eat so much of it I do not have room for anything else. Enjoy it! photos coco zordan

Fresh peas are particularly delicious but hard to find. All year round you can use alternatively (organic) frozen peas, which are also very good. The amount is the same for both fresh and frozen

The Recipe



Prep time

5 min.

Cooking time

30 min.


  • 4 servings
  • 1 lb. box De Cecco’s short Pasta tubetti, ditalini etc

  • 1 can plain tomato sauce (12/16 oz)

  • 1 bag frozen organic peas (12/16 oz)

  • 1 onion or shallot chopped

  • 1 clove garlic

  • fresh basil leaves a few leaves

  • sea salt, black pepper to taste

  • freshly grated parmesan cheese to taste


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in a large pot add chopped onion or shallot and a clove garlic, when translucent (after about 10/15 minutes), add plain tomato sauce (I blend canned whole peeled tomatoes) ad about 2-3 cups of water and put it back to boil

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add peas and add more water if necessary, the sauce has to be a bit runny. Add peas (I used frozen peas) add salt and pepper.

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Let cook covered for about 30′ or until peas are soft. Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for 8 to 10 minutes or until al dente; drain.DSC06543

let it cook for 2 minutes less than indicated by the box, keep some of the pasta water incase you need it for the sauce.

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Stir cooked pasta into tomato mixture. Bring to a boil briefly. Remove from heat and serve.


Serve with freshly grated parmesan cheese and black pepper, plus a drizzle of XV olive oil. Enjoy pasta with Peas and Tomato Sauce!

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